Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Holiday

By Connie S. Hall

After I had written my blog, one of the speakers in sacrament meeting on Sunday spoke about GRATITUDE. The scripture quoted was D&C 59:7 – Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things.

She told us that on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah suggested we should all keep a gratitude journal, and we should list five things we are thankful for each day. That sounds like something I need to start doing. However, for now I’m going to continue with the blog I originally wrote and save this gratitude journal for another day.

I thought since it was Thanksgiving tomorrow I would write about gratitude. I never imagined it to be such a long subject. The list of things I am grateful for would fill several pages. Since no one wants to read anything that lengthy, I will condense it into one page.

There are the usual religious items – a loving Father in Heaven, a brother who died for my sins, church, prophets, scriptures, and many more.

Next is the family – husband, parents, children, grandchildren, and siblings. At this time of year, I reflect upon my ancestors who came to this continent on the Mayflower. I also go back to the religious aspect and recall those pioneer relatives who crossed the desolate wilderness to come to Utah so they could worship, as they desired. Again, if I named all of them this blog would be lengthy.

When I think of family, my friends are close behind. Some are as dear to me as a sister is. Others I haven’t seen for years. The multitude of people I know and call friends would take quite some time to list.

There is the world – sky, sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, animals, birds, plants, and trees. I knew this list would be extensive.

I’m thankful for my good health, that I have eyes, ears, mouth, arms, and legs. I appreciate my home, the food I eat, and all the earthly things I enjoy. I like the job I go to five days a week and church callings.

One thing precious to me is the talents I have. My Father in Heaven must love me since he gave me gifts to develop that make me feel good about myself.

I’m pleased to have people read our groups blog. If you didn’t read what we write, we wouldn’t have this great opportunity to express ourselves.

I’m glad I didn’t just list five things I’m thankful for, like Oprah suggested, because there are many things to thank our kind Father in Heaven for on this Thanksgiving Day. Have a happy holiday as you also count your blessings.