Friday, December 21, 2007

Believing in ‘Christ’mas

(This is a two part series on believing in Christmas)
by G. Parker

It occurred to me the other day that there is a reason for believing in Santa Claus. It started long ago, it is ageless in fact. It began with Cain and Able.

Many of you would scoff at such an idea, but it’s true. It comes down to Satan and his angels, and our choices.

You see, Christmas is not even celebrated on Christ’s birthday. And, while I don’t think that’s a big deal, the way things have come about is.

Saint Nick was a good man who tried to spread good to those around him. Satan took that seed and planted it deep in the carnal mind of man. While December 25th (or thereabouts) was once a pagan holiday to celebrate the winter solstice, the (Catholic?) church decided it would be best to remind men of who was ultimately important, and said it was the time to honor the birth of Christ.

Well, when Satan was faced with that, he immediately set about working to change that aspect. When you think about all the attributes that are given to Santa Claus, you realize that Jesus is very close to the mark. Jesus was the example; Santa Claus is what the modern, carnal man has made him.

Think about it: Jesus is loving, kind and giving. Santa Claus is jolly, kind and gives to all children. Jesus lived long ago, and many have not seen him, while they still believe he existed. Santa doesn’t really exist, yet many believe in him while they haven’t ever seen him. They are thrilled with the idea of someone they can’t see knowing all about them. Santa Claus knows everything we do, whether we are naughty or nice, etc. Jesus knows all that. Really knows it – he know’s all, all the year round. But what makes them very different and distinct is the fact that Christ gave the ultimate sacrifice for us – his life. Santa doesn’t give anything but presents and the thrill of mystery and magic.

It’s the way Satan has replaced Jesus in our lives. Christ has nothing to do with Christmas trees, trimmings and turkey. His birthday has no meaning in singing songs like Frosty the Snowman or the Twelve Days of Christmas (even if it was derived from teaching gospel principles).

What brought this whole thought process to mind is the movie Polar Express and the song Believe, sung by Josh Groban. Polar Express expresses how the young gradually grow away from believing in Santa. When I thought about the words of the song, it hit me.

People need something to believe in. We have an innate desire to believe in God. Since we aren’t all taught about God, and believe there is a greater force than ourselves, we believe in the next best thing.

Children already believe in magic – they recognize that life is magic. Every day living with joy and happiness in a happy home is magic. While many are taught of Jesus Christ, before they can even attribute the glorious miracles of our lives to him, Santa Claus is thrust into the lime light by Satan and commercialism.

Poor children, like the one in the movie, struggle to believe in such magic when they are faced with everyday struggle and lack. While they would like to believe there are such things as Santa Claus and a magic train to the North Pole, they know from the harsh realities of life that such a thing doesn’t exist. What they can discover is Jesus Christ and his eternal love and power to save, regardless of the season or the condition.

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