Friday, June 25, 2010


by G.Parker

I think the last blog entry was a source of inspiration. I've had no problems writing this week. In fact, I had to make myself stop last night so I could get some sleep, and that hasn't happened for a while. It's nice. A little frustrating, but nice. I hate having to stop when it feels like things are flowing. And I don't know if I'm going to have time to write this weekend.

Yep, I'm going out of town again - back to where the temperatures hover WAY too high. It's strange, I'm not really a fan of Vegas, but this is the second time this year I'll be there. It's a good thing there is such a thing as air conditioning. I'm excited to visit the temple this time.

Anyway - I just wanted to remind you that it's important to write. All the time. Every day. Because you never know when those words are going to click and things are going to come together. You won't know if you're not writing.

Have a good one!


Unknown said...

Very good point. I tend to do well in sprints. I am trying to even out my patterns a little bit, but I completely understand!

Angie said...

I was married in that temple! Enjoy Vegas. I'm off to try and get some writing in for today.

Anonymus Never Forgive said...

I love writers and want myself to engaged in writing and reading.Novel Abdullah is the famous novel by Hashim Nadeem based on true love.very interesting and full of emotions and a great stuff to lean a lot.