Thursday, February 12, 2015

I'm going to give it a try

by C. Michelle Jefferies

Note: I'll be at LTUE today. I'll be teaching my seven point structure class. Come by, introduce yourself.

I keep hearing about journaling. How good it is for you. How it enhances creativity. How it can help you be a better writer. Considering that alone, I need to try it.

Some of the things it is supposed to help.

Keep your mindset positive
Reconnect with your goals
Keep productivity high
Rewrite negative talk
Record gratitude
Record daily insight
Record daily affirmations
Release worrisome thoughts

As someone who makes and collects journals, I am really terrible at using them. Unless they are series bibles, then I use them daily.

So here we go. Starting this week I am going to try to keep a journal daily for all of these reasons.

Do you journal? If so, how do you do it? How Often? Do you write, draw or a combination of both?

Write on!  

1 comment:

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I'm an avid journaler. I used to buy journals but after going through one in just a few weeks, it got too expensive and inconvenient. I couldn't find one big enough to last more than a month so decided to make my own. I used one-sided paper we collect "scratch" paper, punch holes in it and add it to the thickest, fattest binders I can find. One of these will last me about 3 months. I think I have that disease where you can't stop writing LOL.