Monday, November 20, 2006


By Connie S. Hall

One of God’s greatest gifts to man is freedom of choice. We all get to choose which path we will take. Our success or failure depends on the choices we make every day. It’s scary to realize I am responsible for all the choices I make. How we use our agency is important. Some choices are important – some are not.

This week we will celebrate Thanksgiving. It is a day set aside to give thanks. I am grateful for my ancestors who came to this land where we would have freedom of choice. Their choices have affected me and made my life easier. I don’t think they realized what they were doing for their posterity when they left their homes afar to settle in the wilderness of this land.

I am grateful for the Pilgrims who came to this free land, and the Pioneers who walked for miles and miles to a desert, and other ancestors who gave their life fighting in the wars so we could be free. The choices each of them made were for my benefit.

One thing we all have to remember is that Satan is always there and glad when we choose to just slide downhill. Some writers are tempted to follow the way of the world with the things they write. I’m grateful we have a group of writers that look to the light and only write stories that are uplifting.

Let’s all give thanks for the freedom we have to make choices.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. We owe so much to those who came before us, and for the choices they made that allow us to have the freedoms we have today.

Nice blog.