Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Life Gets in the Way of Writing

By Darvell Hunt

You may have noticed my absence recently here on this blog. This is not because I'm not interesting in writing, but rather that my life has gotten too busy. I've started a new job, which has been consuming my life right now, and writing has, unfortunately, gotten pushed down in priority as I learn new things and drastically change my daily schedule.

I've been commuting to Las Vegas for over seven years. I've also spent a large portion of my working time at home from a basement office. This arrangement has completely changed over the past couple of weeks.--which has been for the better, I assure you.

But, I must offer my apologies for missing my Tuesday blog spot at LDS Writers Blogck. Now that I'm settling into my new local job, I should have more time to get back to writing. Until my primary source of income is not from my writing, I must concentrate on tasks that pay the bills. Writing is my passion, but not currently my job. I plan to correct that "problem" in the very near future.

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