Sunday, December 05, 2010

The mad rush of November's NaNoWriMo is past. Now we enter a new stressful challenge: the Christmas rush. I have a few thoughts to share with you about December.

First, let's not lose what we learned in November. Those of us who set a goal for our writing and accomplished it, let's remember the value of setting challenging goals. Perhaps our writing goal for December will look a lot different than our goal for November, but we need to give ourselves a new challenge to work towards. Without goals, we accomplish little of value.

Second, let's remember the true meaning of the Christmas season. We can ask ourselves if we are giving gift to impress others, or out of genuine love. We can focus on the gifts our Savior gives us and try to follow His example. Sometimes the key to keeping the reason for the season foremost in our minds is to simplify. Try to think of ways to minimize stress and maximize enjoyment. For me that means this year I'm taking my time getting all my decorations up, I'm not sending out Christmas cards and I am going to give fewer, more thoughtful gifts. I am even thinking of using my budding writing skills to create a special letter to each of my family members. It would be an inexpensive, but hopefully memorable and meaningful gift.

What are your ideas for simplifying the Christmas season and focusing on the birth of Jesus?

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