Thursday, June 23, 2011


by Cheri Chesley

Summer is an especially difficult time for me to write. I have no *place* to go to do the work required, and my concentration is shot with the kids all home. It's not that I've taken on any new projects, I'm just trying to catch up from what I didn't get done during the school year.

But, lately, there's more to it than that. For one thing, in May a friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. For information what I'm doing to help out, you can click HERE to read my blog. I'm not in any way trying to detract from her struggle, but her diagnosis has changed me in ways I did not think possible.

I also have several members of my extended family facing difficult health and personal issues. Maybe I'm too much of a softie, but I find myself frequently preoccupied by my concern for them. There's a lot here I have to trust in the Lord, but it's not easy for me. I'm working on it. :)

Because of everything, I've felt my writing focus trickle away. I've been doing a lot of personal evaluation and reflection trying to get it back. I really believe this is journey we all take in one form or another as writers. There are real life issues that come up in each of our lives that will affect us, change us, or help us grow. Sometimes these things take time to adjust to.

Things will shift into focus and all will be well. I have faith in that. I also know that, whatever the Lord's plan is with my loved ones, His will be done. Like most of us, though, I'm always going to wish I can do more. Sometimes it's just hard to stay focused on what you're supposed to be doing at a certain season in your life when so many big things are crumbling around you.


Donna K. Weaver said...

When I was YW president I remember especially a lesson I taught. It said they could do anything they wanted in life, but they couldn't do everything.

I hope you're not beating yourself up because with these other demands, your writing has taken a back burner. Sometimes just making it through the day is a major accomplishment. The time you spend in prayer and internal reflection will only aid you later when you're in a good place to write.


Tina Scott, author, artist said...

You have a tender heart, and it's hard to have people we love going through trials. Hang in there.

Angie said...

Hang in there. The time for writing will come again. You'll now when.

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