Friday, January 13, 2012

I Apologize!

by G.Parker

Okay - this is a formal apology to all our readers.  I've been a slacker!  Well...only sort of.  If I'd been really on the ball, I would have had blogs written and set up to post on my assigned day (which I have done before).  But, this time on vacation I totally spaced it out.  I don't know why - I think perhaps because my writing life has kind of taken a back seat to everything else the past month.  But whatever the reason, I didn't post the past two weeks, and I'm not thinking anyone really missed me (lol) but perhaps expectations weren't met.

So - I'm back.  In some ways I feel a lot like Connie with regards to my writing.  My life isn't too out of control, though it is not what I want it to be right now, but my writing has been non existent for the past month.

However, all of that is changing as you read.  In December I outlined to my husband that I had resolved to get something submitted this year.  He wants me to get several somethings, and hopefully that will be what happens, but despite the amount, I'm working on editing!  My struggle (if you remember previous posts) has been to balance the writing with the editing.  Editing is what make things submit-table, readable, view-able, etc.  I have long struggled with editing, it is NOT my favorite part of writing.  But - if I'm going to get moving onto the next step in my writing career, I need to jump in and get moving.

So, I will be editing one month and writing the next.  January is heavy editing month.  I'm getting the book I wrote for NaNoWriMo finished up so that I can get that off to readers and finished before June, when the free book offer ends from Createspace for nano participants.

Then I have two other works that I'm hoping to get finished editing and sent off before June as well.  It's going to be a busy year!

I don't believe in New Years resolutions, because I figure if you have to make goals once a year to make them happen, they never do.  But I do like starting new and making changes when needed.  So, January is a great month for that.

Did you make any writing goals for this year?  I'd like to hear what they are.  Have a great weekend, and see you next Friday!!

1 comment:

Keith N Fisher said...

Relax and enjoy your editing. I missed you, but sometimes we all need to blow everything off. take care of yourself