Monday, February 02, 2015

Hello Again! From Nichole Giles

It’s been ages since I wrote a blog for the Blogck! Four and a half years, from what my pal Keith tells me, and in that time so much has happened. As of today, my third YA fantasy novel (and fifth published book) Water So Deep, is officially out in the wild jungles of reader-dom. I’ve left mountainous Utah for coastal Texas, and then come back again to bigger and better things. In that four years, I have moved 4 ½ times, published three books, attended an uncounted number of conferences, conventions, and events, and cultivated lasting, enduring friendships with more people than I can list in a short blog post.

A lot can happen in four years. And to be honest, four years ago I would never have imagined being where I am today. If I had been able to see then where I am now, I wouldn’t be who I’ve become. I believe it is our experiences that shape us.

When I first started writing for the Blogck, it shaped me. I learned a lot about blogging, about editing (from my other blogging friends) and about writing in general. Blogging here helped me to form lasting, relationships with people who will forever hold a piece of my writer’s heart. And then, as I went on to gain a publishing contract and an agent and see my books published, my priorities had to change, and even though I could no longer keep up with blogging here, I continued to hold onto the experiences and relationships I had gained.

These days I’m crazy busy. Not just with writing (though, that is weighing heavily on me at the moment, as I now have two series’ to finish) but with life. I’ve come to realize that life will never slow down, and that’s okay. I like it that way. Because life is where I get my ideas for writing, and where I form great friendships, and where I get to do crazy awesome things like attending conventions and conferences as a special guest.

And I am always happy to pay a visit to my old stomping blogck (see what I did there?) to hang out with my friends!

Quick plug for my new book, which released in all e-formats today (hard cover forthcoming!):

Seventeen-year-old Emma Harris is drowning on dry land. 

No one knows what’s happening to her, and she’d like to keep her evolution from human to mermaid a secret, but the truth is getting harder and harder to hide. From her adoptive family, from her friends, and especially from the irresistible James Phelps. 

Her time in the ocean is spent dodging a possessive merman, while her time on land is split between caring for her special-needs brother and squeezing in every last possible moment of human life. She soon realizes falling for James is unavoidable when he constantly comes to Emma’s rescue and somehow manages to see through her carefully constructed icy facade to the vulnerability she lives with every day. Everything about James makes Emma yearn for a life on land she just can't have. 

When Emma’s brother disappears on her watch, James is the only person she trusts to help her save him. But even if they can save her brother, nothing can prevent her return to the sea. Whether she likes it or not, Emma is changing—unable to breathe without yielding to the tide—and it's only a matter of time before she's forced to surrender forever. 
Water So Deep is the first of two books, and my third YA romantic fantasy. The other series starts with Descendant, and then is followed by Birthright, and a third book to be released later this spring. You can find all my books on my Amazon author page, and keep up with news by signing up formy newsletter, and following me on Facebook and Twitter.

So, what have you been up to lately?

Author Bio:

Nichole Giles, the author of the Descendant trilogy, and Water So Deep, has lived in Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and Texas. She loves to spend time with her husband and four children, travel to tropical and exotic destinations, drive in the rain with the convertible top down, and play music at full volume so she can sing along.



Nichole Giles said...

Thanks for having me guys! The blog looks great!

Darvell Hunt said...

So great to see you back on The Blogck!