Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Keith N. Fisher Obituary from the Herald


Keith Neff Fisher, 57, of Orem passed away on Friday August 7, 2015 in Salt Lake. Keith was born on December 9, 1957 in Provo to Phillip Neff and Carol Hettie Ostler Fisher. He attended Orem HighSCHOOL. After High School, Keith served an LDS Mission to Nova Scotia, Canada.
He worked for several companies over the years including: Mountain Country Foods, Allred Heating and Air Conditioning, then Klemp Inc., (now, 7-Eleven, Amico and finally atBLUEHOST.
Keith enjoyed the outdoors, working inTHE GARDEN and especially camping with his family. He was a writer and was working on a book that was just about finished. He worked with the Boy Scouts. He and his wife Wendy were the 2005 World Champion Dutch Oven Winners.
He was active in the LDS church, serving in the Elders Quorum presidency, and as Sunday School President.
Keith is survived by his wife Wendy and daughter Keisha, his mother Carol and two brothers Brent (Shauna), and Fred Fisher. He is preceded in death by his father Phillip and his grandparents Neff and Erma Fisher, Lavell and Hettie Ostler.
Funeral Services will be Saturday, August 15, 2015, 11:00 a.m. in the Cascade 2nd Ward, 481 East Center Street, Orem. Friends may visit with the family Friday evening from 6–8 p.m. or Saturday morning from 9:30–10:30 a.m., both at the church. Interment will be in the Orem City Cemetery. Condolences may beOFFERED to the family online at

See the original HERE


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