by C. LaRene Hall
I think it has helped me this year to write about each of my goals in more detail. Now I take time to stop and think about them. I recognize when I’m failing to do something, and I try harder to get back on track.
My life has been crazy this entire year, and I don’t see any break any time soon. Although I committed to write each and every single day, I have missed a few days. Monday, President’s Day, I tried to make up for lost time, and spent most of the day writing. That still doesn’t make it okay that I didn’t write something every day. If you are a writer, you really do need to write every day, or at least more often than I’ve been writing.
I’m starting to think I made too many goals or resolutions for this year. Read a book every week, write something every single day, pray, read scriptures, grow spiritually, be a truer friend, preserve my physical health, and expand my horizons are things that I should do every day. It makes no difference whether I call them resolutions or if I call them goals. I’m still finding this a difficult challenge.
I have no answer for anyone about how to make time to write every day. The hardest day for me to write is on Saturday. It’s my catch up day, although I’m finding that I also plan too many things to do every Saturday. Maybe I should break this goal down a bit and be more specific about it. I should probably say that I will write at least 100 words every day. That is writing something every day, and to me it is doable. I wonder if answering emails counts as writing. If so, I can say that I have written something every day.
I love the idea of writing goals down to find time to write. I need to do more of that.
I find that when I write down my goals, I often do better at keeping them. Congratulations on your efforts, Connie. A few missed days doesn't discount your hard work!
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