Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Hard Stuff

by Cheri Chesley

I didn't post last week. As close as it was to Christmas, my son nicely requested I not do anything writing related for at least one day, and spend time with them. I asked him about the time I was still awake after they went to sleep, but that was a no-go, too. He wanted me to take a full day off. I mean, how can you say no to that face?

He's a wise 11 yr old boy. Since I was so busy with signings this month, I had left the Christmas shopping to the last week, and all that wrapping, and the stocking stuffing, food shopping, etc.

But that's all over now. I'm starting the new year early. Today. I don't do resolutions, but I do set goals. One goal for 2010 was to see my book published. Yay! Another goal was to lose 15 lbs, but I seem to have gotten that one backward. So that goal will follow me, with a few adaptations, to 2011.

But that book publishing goal still stands. One is not enough. I knew that already. Following God's plan for me, I know I have to keep moving forward. And now I have new voices chiming in to request book 2. Someone I haven't even met yet emailed me to ask when it will be in stores. Um, hopefully this time next year. Not soon enough, she said with a smile. Some of my closest friends have volunteered to help me with my rewrites and read-through because, they say, they can't wait a whole year to find out what happens next.

That is all great to hear, and I'm not going to lie, it fills me with all sorts of warm fuzzies. But I also want to know I'm enriching hearts with my writing. I have to stay true to my path.

I've had an amazing December. It's one for the record books. Now I'm ready to take on 2011.

How about you?

1 comment:

Nichole Giles said...

Good luck with your goals for 2011. I'm so glad you had such success in 2010, too. And also, congratulations on learning how to take the day off. That's a very important lesson your son has taught you.