Wednesday, July 25, 2012


By C. LaRene Hall

Last week I participated in a book signing with eight other authors. It wasn't at a book store, or any of the usual places. It was at a hospital. I spent four hours trying to sell my book. No one sold lots of books. I would guess that was because it was an unusual place to have books for sale. I did sell, but some of the authors did not sell one book. Even though for most it was successful, I do have to remember it gave my book some exposure. So my question today is why do we author's spend hours trying to sell our books?

I don't like book signings, but how else are you as an author going to get your story out there to the people?

My next book, a mid-grade story, will be coming out soon, so what I'm wondering is how to market my book. Last time I had a book signing at my home in the yard with lots of games and food. It was successful and I sold more books than I ever imagined I would. Last time my book signing was in the summer. This time it will be in the late fall or early winter. Where am I going to have my kick off for my new book?

Have you ever had something turn out great and then the next time you tried it you were a failure? That is what I'm afraid of.

What do the rest of you think about book signings? Do you have any suggestions for me?


James C Duckett said...

Personally, I can't wait for my first book signing. But I have a feeling they will get old fast. And the only book within my reach will be one I've already read 20 times.

C. LaRene Hall said...

How soon will you have your book signing. I'm having my next book published soon and my first book signing will be in September. I'm way excited.

Donna K. Weaver said...

The idea of books signings scare me for just the reason you mentioned. Personally, I'm not sure a book signing is a place I would expect to sell books. I think a book signing is a time for people to meet you, the author. I heard once that the average book signing only sells 3 books. That's dismal. Why would authors spend hours of their time for 3 books--especially if they're not only getting a few cents for each book? It can't be for the sales.