Friday, April 20, 2012

One More Entry

by G.Parker

So today I polled my children, since there still wasn't much commentary.  I guess next time I hold a contest I'll have to pick a more exciting subject.

My daughter:
A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens
The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe - CS Lewis
The High King (the Black Cauldron series)
Fellowship of the Ring - Tolken

I also thought of another book to add to the main list:
Alas Babylon - Pat Frank.

Well, we're definitely going to have a winner.  And it isn't going to be difficult to pick!  Hope you're doing great on your writing goals.  For the month of May we're going to revisit those goals made in January and see how you're doing.

Till next week...keep writing!


Donna K. Weaver said...

How old does a book(s) have to be to count as a classic?

G. Parker said...

sorry I didn't answer this before today...but I figure anything before