How do you like the new look? Yes, you’re in the right place. This is the LDS Writer’s Blogck. We lost the use of the other template and needed to make a change. I like what Nichole has done.
She’s the one that holds us all together you know, and I applaud her.
This blog, dedicated to writing tips and the struggles associated with getting published, was created by a group of Authors Incognito Members. At the time, there were few blogs about writing, even fewer discussing the LDS Market. After the LDStorymakers Conference in 2006, Darvell Hunt asked for volunteers and the first post went out on April 26.
C L Beck posted about the name Blogck, and it was off and running. The first posts were by Darvell Hunt, C L Beck, Heather Justesen, Nichole Giles, Connie Hall, W L Elliott, and Danyelle Fergusen. Karen Hoover, and Gaynell Parker were next.
I joined the team on June 24th when Danyelle bowed out due to time restraints. I got the Saturday slot and began to try and spread the message that you are not alone in your writing struggle.
Over the past four years, we’ve had bloggers come and go. I’ve been late a few times, but I’ve never missed a post. Some of my blogs have inspired some did not. It’s been a rewarding experience for me personally.
Now, with the semi retirement of Ali, we have opened up the Monday slot for guest bloggers from Author’s Incognito, and I think it’s working out great, don’t you?
Other writers might come and go in the future, but you can rest assured, the Blogck will be here to encourage you. As I stated in my first blog on this site, we all are standing on a precipice, ready to march forward with stories that will delight and inspire. Many have gone forward, many will follow as God uses his army of writers to bring souls to Christ.
Since we have so many followers, I know we are being read. One thing I’d like to know, however, have we made a difference? Do we encourage you to keep going? Please leave a comment and let us know.
In the meantime, good luck with your writing—see you next week.