Friday, December 31, 2010
Don't Look Back, Unless...
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The Hard Stuff
I didn't post last week. As close as it was to Christmas, my son nicely requested I not do anything writing related for at least one day, and spend time with them. I asked him about the time I was still awake after they went to sleep, but that was a no-go, too. He wanted me to take a full day off.

He's a wise 11 yr old boy. Since I was so busy with signings this month, I had left the Christmas shopping to the last week, and all that wrapping, and the stocking stuffing, food shopping, etc.
But that's all over now. I'm starting the new year early. Today. I don't do resolutions, but I do set goals. One goal for 2010 was to see my book published. Yay! Another goal was to lose 15 lbs, but I seem to have gotten that one backward. So that goal will follow me, with a few adaptations, to 2011.
But that book publishing goal still stands. One is not enough. I knew that already. Following God's plan for me, I know I have to keep moving forward. And now I have new voices chiming in to request book 2. Someone I haven't even met yet emailed me to ask when it will be in stores. Um, hopefully this time next year. Not soon enough, she said with a smile. Some of my closest friends have volunteered to help me with my rewrites and read-through because, they say, they can't wait a whole year to find out what happens next.
That is all great to hear, and I'm not going to lie, it fills me with all sorts of warm fuzzies. But I also want to know I'm enriching hearts with my writing. I have to stay true to my path.
I've had an amazing December. It's one for the record books. Now I'm ready to take on 2011.
How about you?
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas

As we hurry along through our hectic daily lives, isn’t it nice to have a day to catch up? I don’t mean clearing off your desk, or even emptying your “in” basket. I’m talking about the pause the world takes at this time, each year.
I once saw an episode of a TV show called Fraggle Rock. It illustrates my point. The writers took the premise of the longest day of the year, (Winter solstice), and made the whole world shut down, on that day. Everyone, and everything gradually wound down, then reset, and the world was fresh and new again.
What you celebrate on December 25, doesn’t matter, or even if you celebrate at all. Isn’t it nice to have a day when the world shuts down? Well, mostly. I have to work this year, too.
Lately, I’ve been hearing people correcting others. They claim we should say happy holidays instead of merry Christmas. It’s all in the interest of political correctness. I used to say happy holidays because the term encompassed all the special days at this time of year. Now, I’ve soured to it.
Okay, If I remove the “MC” words in favor of the “HH”, will I be offending those of us who have to work, and can’t take a holiday? The list of taboo words, in our society, continues to grow. I suppose the reason is, we don’t want to offend any special interest groups, and frankly, I can’t keep up with the changes. When it comes to Christmas, I’m more worried about offending Jesus than a special interest group.
Back in the sixties, when they made A Charlie Brown Christmas, there was a big fuss over the Christmas play portion of the show. The producers were concerned about delving into the baby Jesus, thing. I’m so glad, they let Linus narrate the true meaning of Christmas, aren’t you?
Now, there are many people, who would point out the pagan beginnings of the holiday, but as for me, Christmas is for remembering my Savior. It’s a chance to take a moment, take stock, and reset my life. It’s a bright spot during a season of drudgery and despair. Whether, you are Christian or not, giving gifts, singing songs, family gatherings, and even the feast can cleanse the soul.
Like Fraggle Rock, our world has one day a year, when it shuts down, resets, and continues.
As for being politically correct, may you come to grips with what ever you believe in, but try to show tolerance for others, and stop trying to force the rest of us to espouse your cause. I love Jesus and I can’t fathom how that would effect you at all. You can believe what you want, too. It’s call freedom. I will try to remember the preferred way you wish to be addressed, and you can call your holiday whatever you wish. Let me have my preferred names as well. I could say, have a lousy winter season, but I choose to wish you the best. May you have a Merry Christmas.
Good Luck with your writing—see you next week.
Friday, December 24, 2010
The Christmas Angel
Since it's Christmas Eve, I didn't have anything special to write, so I'm giving a Christmas present to all of you. Here is a short story I wrote for a contest several years ago. Hope you enjoy, and have a wonderful Christmas weekend!
The broken ornaments lay on the floor like scattered crumpled petals from a golden flower. Sharon stared at them in dismay, her heart beating like crazy after the loud crash, knowing that soon her mother would come running to see what had happened.
It had all been an accident, she would never have dropped the heavy box on purpose! She knew how much these ornaments meant to her mother, hadn’t she been told so every Christmas since she could remember?
Sure enough, the quick heavy pounding of her mother’s steps up the stairs announced her arrival, and Sharon couldn’t look, knowing by the quick gasp of dismay that her mother had already seen the mess.
“Oh Sharon! What happened?” her mother was down on the floor, cradling the fragile broken ornaments as if afraid to break them further.
“I didn’t mean to! It slipped out of my hands,” she whimpered, tears already filling her eyes. She knew that blast was going to come, having experienced it many times yet never fully prepared for the anger her mother could summon at the drop of a hat, or box in this case.
But to her surprise and confusion, her mother just knelt there on the floor holding the broken class as if something precious had been lost, tears silently streaming down her flushed cheeks. It was almost worse than the anger Sharon had been expecting and she didn’t know what to do. She made as if to pick up the box and start putting the broken pieces in, but her mother made a sharp motion with her head.
“Leave them. I’ll get it.”
Sharon bit her lip, unsure of what to do. They were supposed to be decorating the tree. Her father and the rest of the family were all down stairs, waiting for the ornaments. The music from the CD they were listening to could be heard faintly through the floor, and the voices of her sister and brother as they argued over something trivial.
There was nothing for it, she needed to get the next box. She turned and climbed up the short run of stairs to the attic, feeling a dread in her heart that wouldn’t lighten. The picture of her mother kneeling on the floor in her worn polyester pants and plaid shirt, the old apron covering her plump chest and stomach, her gray hair gathered up in the typical clasp and her eyes, small and tired in her lined face, full of tears.
When had her mother gotten old?
Sharon had always thought of her as old, but at that moment, she'd looked old. Come to think of it, her father had begun to look old as well. She supposed that happened when your children began growing up and life was passing you by. Sharon was the youngest, 15, a tall gangly 15 at that. Her parents were probably in their 50’s, and she hadn’t really given it any thought before. She also knew that this Christmas was going to be hard on everyone, dad had just been informed he was going to be laid off after New Years -- cut backs and everything.
So, on top of everything else, her parents were worried about how to make ends meet. The ornaments probably seemed like the last straw, and Sharon felt the weight of it in her heart. The ornaments had been handed down from Grandma. She had made some of them, but most of them were just things that had been handed down from great-grandmother. There were some made of spun glass, some fragile store bought ones, a couple that had dates on them from almost 60 years ago. Her favorite had been the angel with the broken off halo. It didn’t matter if a couple of the ornaments were chipped or worn, Sharon knew that to her mother they were remnants of her family in the past.
As she picked up the last box, the only box of ornaments they had now, she wondered if they were going to be able to enjoy it or the evening. The box she held now held all the handmade school stuff that she and her siblings had created over the years. She even had a new one to add this year, one that she’d made in art class in school. Her teacher said that she had real talent, and praised her highly for the object she’d created. She had been waiting in anticipation for this very day, for her mother to see it and think it was as special as the others she’d held precious. Now it would be overshadowed by her weak grip and the sadness that would not go away.
She slowly went down the stairs, wishing her father had sent her brother instead of her, wasn’t he stronger? Surprised, she found her mother had already cleaned up the broken glass and left the hallway. There was no sign that anything had even happened, and she felt her breath catch in dismay.
She gripped the box in her hands tightly as she made her way back downstairs to the front room, putting it down on the coffee table amid shouts of “You’re so dumb!” “You’re the dumb one!” “Dad, he called me dumb!”
“Shut up, both of you!” their father yelled, his voice full of frustration and anger. “Can’t you think of anybody but yourselves? Can’t you see your mother is upset?”
Sharon’s brother and sister looked in surprise at their mother, who was sitting in the rocking chair by the tree, gazing at the empty fur in a dazed tearful silence. The lights had already been put on by their father, his only willing participation in the ceremony. It just waited for the ornaments to grace it’s branches. The room fell silent, even the CD had stopped, and they could almost hear the drop of each tear as it fell off their mother’s cheek.
“What’s wrong, mom?” Kaity walked over, slipping an arm around her mother’s shoulders. “Someone die?”
“No,” their father said, sparing his wife from having to talk. “The box of ornaments got broken.”
“The ornaments?” the two of them gasped at the same time. They looked accusingly at Sharon, who was miserably opening up the box of hand made ornaments, wishing she could sink under the floor.
“What happened, Sharon?” Jack asked, his voice sharp. “Did you trip on something?”
Sharon shook her head, her chin trembling with her own despair. “I-it just slipped out of my hands,” she whispered.
Her brother was about to rail on her, and Kaity looked as if she would join in, but their father glared at them and everyone fell silent. Sharon realized that he seemed to know it was as terrible a thing for her as it was for their mother.
The next hour was spent silently adorning the tree with the few remaining ornaments, and Sharon looked at it, silently reproaching herself, knowing it was never enough for the large tree they had gotten. Watching her mother and father as they spoke softly to each other, she knew that they were debating if more decorations could be afforded.
Slipping away, she went to her room and retrieved the special one she’d made at school. She felt perhaps it would ease the pain in her mother’s heart, even if it couldn’t replace the whole box that’d been broken. She quietly reentered the family room, noticing the music had been restarted, and some light conversation between her brother and sister took some of the tension out of the room.
She walked up to her mother, still sitting in the rocking chair, and placed the paper wrapped item on her lap.
“Mom, I made this in art class, and I wanted you to put it on the tree.”
Her mother looked up at her, a quizzical expression on her face, but she still said nothing, only slowly unwound the newspaper that Sharon had made sure protected every inch. When she was finished, she held up a large Angel, complete with wire wings and halo over her glistening glass head.
“Oh, Sharon!” her mother’s astounded whisper was like a balm to her sad heart, and it lifted with some hope. “You made this?”
Her father reached out and lightly touched the fine wire serving as the wings and halo, as if he was afraid it would break under his touch.
“Yeah, um, we were working with glass and wire as an experiment this past quarter, and I thought we needed a real angel for our tree.”
Her brother and sister came over to examine the angel, their oohs and ah’s were added to her parents, and then her father looked up, a determined expression on his face.
“Jack, go grab that chair and pull it over. This angel needs to be put on the top.”
Within minutes, they were all sitting in the darkened room, the Christmas lights on the tree the only light. The glistening angel at the top of the tree seemed to glow and fill the room with heavenly light. Sharon sat by her mother, whose arm rested tightly around her shoulders.
“Thank you, dear,” she said softly, her voice full of love. “That makes all the difference in the world.”
Somehow for a few minutes, Sharon realized the worries and fears of the future, the incident with the broken ornaments — all was pushed aside while they gazed at the small representation of a miracle in their lives, and she knew she'd been forgiven.
What her family didn’t seen to acknowledge was the glass angel didn’t have a face. But, each of them were able to see features in the glass as they looked at it. They knew that someone dear was watching over them, which was what her mother had always said about the ornaments she'd cherished. Each of their ancestors was watching over them through the ornaments that had been handed down through the generations. Now they were all gathered into one item of love, and it made everything able to bear again.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Use a Change of Schedule to Your Advantage
Hello, writers.
Well, life has changed for me for a couple of weeks due to my kids being on Christmas break. Just as the song says, Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again, but I'm really hoping to get some good writing done during the break.
Since I won't be getting up to help my kids get ready for school, the temptation is to catch up on sleep, but I think a smarter plan is to wake up at the normal time and use the "get ready" time to write instead. According to Dave Farland, mornings are supposed to be the best time for creative thinking.
If you're in a similar situation, meaning you are home and the kids will sleep in and allow you some quiet time, let's see what we can get done on our writing during Christmas break, shall we?
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Like a Bundle

Because of those issues, I’ve had to start over and build a new career. Don’t get me wrong, I’m doing okay. Getting out the chair from sedentary jobs has been beneficial, and the new skills I’m learning have been challenging.
During my visit, three people independently asked if I was still writing. I said yes of course. Then after the last person asked I considered the question on a deeper level.
Of course I’m still writing. How could I not? A couple of years ago, on this blog, I wrote about the need we all have to write. Some of us pretend to quit but always come back to it. For many of us, writing is a core desire. To echo what I wrote then, I have a friend who signs every email with the words, writing is life.

In my new job, I meet many people who claim they just can’t function without that first cup of coffee in the morning. I’ve known others over the years, who can’t relax without that glass of wine or the beer after work. These are indications of addiction and illustrate my point.
I can’t quit writing. Ideas and plot lines float around my head and must be released onto paper, so to speak. Every day something presents itself that must be written down. Once, I have written it, I can move on through my day.
To be fair, I do have friends who are great writers but they just don’t have the all-consuming desire to write. I understand. I seem to function just fine without a cup of coffee and I don’t need a beer or a glass of wine to relax. In fact the older I get the easier it is to fall asleep. So it’s okay to not be driven. On the other hand, I cannot quit.
I told my friend at the old job, that I would always write. Even if my books were never published, I will write them. I cannot not, write. With each new twist my life takes I keep my writing with me. Like a bundle tied to the end of a proverbial stick, resting on the shoulder of a transient, I keep my writing close.
Good luck with your writing—see you next week.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Christmas Traditions
A couple years ago, I started a tradition of writing a Christmas story to share with our neighbor gifts. Last year I had no intention of writing one, but a story came to me anyway and it ended up being a narrative version of The Little Drummer Boy, which is my favorite carol. I still think it needs some work, but every time I look at it I can't think of anything to change. So it sits.
My first story, the one that started this tradition, was born from a well-known theme: that of Santa Claus visiting the baby Jesus the night he is born. I shared the story with someone who told me they'd read a version almost exactly the same published in a book by someone else. Oops. Oh well. What I wrote came exclusively from my own brain.
If you remember, a couple Decembers ago President Hinckley was still our prophet. I wrote that story, and shared it with our neighbors and my family. A nagging little voice in my head said that I should send a copy to each member of the First Presidency. I promptly told the voice it was being ridiculous, and that I wouldn't do it.
Then another voice said, why not? You may never get another chance to talk to President Hinckley on this earth.
So I did. I called and got the address to mail something to the Prophet and his counselors, and sent it off with a letter and a picture of my family.
I expected nothing to come of it. Then, I got a letter. If you've ever gotten a letter from the First Presidency of the Church, you'll know how beautiful the paper is. It's an amazing feeling to open such a letter and read words meant specifically for you.
I got three of them.
These wonderful men took time to reply to my letter, poem and story. I won't go into details of what the letters said, but they were heartfelt and touching, even the one written by Pres. Hinckley's secretary. :)
As you know, shortly after that President Hinckley passed. If I hadn't listened to the voices in my head, I would have missed my chance to share my talents with that great man.
Don't ignore the promptings you receive.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Free Audio Book Download:
A Mormon Christmas Carol

Sunday, December 12, 2010
The End of the Slump
I have been in a writing slump. I have great excuses, ones which nobody can argue with. I have an online business and this is the busiest, craziest time of the year. I also have seven children and I babysit a fussy, demanding baby. I also am the Mia maid advisor in our ward and my husband and I have been called to be pioneer trek committee chairmen. I am, frankly, a very busy person.
An article in the January issue of Writer's Digest made me realize that, as busy as I am, any excuse to not write is just that--an excuse. The article is an interview with author Harlan Corben. He says in the article that he accepts no excuses. He says, "You just have to put those excuses away. You have a choice: you can either hate yourself, or you can write." He is right.
That was the push I needed to get back to my novel. The same Writers Digest issue has all kinds of great helps for novel writers, including various systems for outlining and writing a great first chapter. I am happy to report that I've revisited my project and am getting up earlier to give myself time to work on it. I've re-worked my outline--really completed it for the first time--and I find I spend more time thinking about my book, from plot twists to character development. I am getting excited about it again, which is wonderful!
If you need a kick in the pants to get you back on track to writing your novel, you might check out the January issue of Writer's Digest. It really helped me. I don't get any goodies from them for saying this, either.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Simultaneous Inspiration

A great idea for a new story came into my head the other day. The premise, beginning, middle, and end lay themselves out for me while I watched the local news. Then, a few hours later, another idea popped up and I wrote it down, too.
I added those ideas to the myriad other drafts floating in my project file, many of which will never be completed. I’m just too old to write them all. Maybe I’ll bequeath them to my friends so they can write the stories in their own way.
Ideas often come to me like that. It’s how I write. I look over the drafts in my project file and see what excites me the most. The problem lies in being equally excited about more than one story at the same time.
Have you ever written a book, knowing it was given to you through some kind of inspiration? Like the idea that came to me from television news, it falls into your lap? Then, after laboring to write it correctly, you discover someone else had the same idea.
My friend complains that almost every time she starts a new story, a particular famous author writes it too. It’s almost uncanny. One of my current works lost most of it’s luster when I discovered a similar book written by a successful author and we both started writing at the same time.
Why does this happen? I wrote a song once, and then heard it on the radio. There were a few differences, but some of the phrases were exactly the same. I wondered if my lyrics had been stolen. I began to take steps to copyright my work. I even had a notary sign off on some of my songs.
The truth is, there’s something in the wind—always has been. Some call it muse. Others say there is a mystical force that governs creativity. I believe that God wants certain stories to be written so he inspires everyone. Sometimes there is more than one writer listening.
In everyone, there is a magnum opus, a life’s work that defines who we are, and what we believe in. I take comfort in making a difference in other people’s lives. I don’t always succeed, but maybe if I listen to the inspiration, and work hard, I’ll be the one who gets to write the next great book.
Good luck with your inspiration and your writing. See you next week.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Only 15 Days Left
Thursday, December 09, 2010
It Can't ALWAYS be Perfect
I had my so-called book launch party last night, which was less of a launch, less of a party, and barely a signing.
First, though, thanks to Canda and Kari for coming out. I know the holiday season is busy, and I'm really glad they could make it.
But I'm not bitter about last night. And I don't want you to think I'm complaining. Like I told the store manager, nights like that are practice. And she was absolutely great, inviting me back another time when traffic would be better.
That's just awesome, I think.
December launches are hard, unless you have such a following **cough Richard Paul Evans cough** that people will MAKE time to come see you. My friends, though they love me and are happy for me, have lives. I'm really okay with that. My goal was to get the book out there. I know, since I'm not an established author, that the first book isn't so much about the sales. When you're working with a smaller market, you have to do things a little differently. For instance, I'm giving away a lot of books. I need to generate buzz, and the best way to do that is to get people reading my book. I didn't even want to fuss with a blog tour in December, so we're doing that in January.
I also knew that I wanted my next book to not launch in December. November would be great. October even better. But, since I'm still sitting with the draft and haven't submitted it yet, we're probably looking at January 2012. If all goes well.
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Writing AND Having a Life
By Darvell Hunt
I started a new job in June and I must admit that I’ve had a hard time making room for my writing since then. When writing doesn’t pay the bills, it can sometimes be hard to justify the time spent on it—except that I suppose if you’re truly a writer, you can’t help but write.
I’m sure most of us writers have had times where our lives pushed our writing into the corner. For me, these busy times can sometimes be sad times, because writing is what makes me happy. But, paying the bills in this poor economy is currently pretty high on my happy list and, unfortunately, has ended up bumping writing down that list—but no more.
It seems that the "successful" writers out there are those who have been able to deal with the conflicts of life and still keep up with their writing. Whether by choice or not, I’ve taken a bit of a time off to get my career back in order, but hopefully that time is past and I can now get back to what satisfies me the most.
So, as this year ends and a new one begins, I plan to set these three personal writing goals:
1. Send out more queries for my mainstream middle-grade novel, “There’s an Alien in my Head!”
2. Finish the rough draft of my LDS romance novel, “The Bee and the Butterfly.”
3. Get more involved again with my writing groups.
Wish me luck!
(Feel free to post your personal writing goals as well, or blog about it and post a link.)
Monday, December 06, 2010
The Time is Now!
For some of you, it is long past, and for others it still lies in the future: I'm talking about that handful of nerve-strumming days leading up to the release of your first book. The travails of rejection and soul-lifting triumphs of acceptance are in the past, the cover art has been trumpeted from your website, and it seems like you can't have a conversation with anyone without your book coming up. This is no place for the shy, retiring author who spent months cloistered behind a keyboard, brain awhirl with plot and character (if "awhirl" was not an actual word, it is now, because I'm an author, dangit).
So what's it like to live through these heady days before the celebration that will be as big as all my combined birthday parties since the age of one? As my wife would put it, blah, blah, blog! My book is LDS fiction, and a huge segment of those who read it also read the Blogck and an untold number of author's blogs that have their fingers on the pulse of LDS books. I've been reading and commenting on these forums for a good six months now, and I've really come to feel at home in this friendly and heavenly little subsection of cyberspace. I've got several interviews and guest posts out there already, and the reviews will be rolling in. I apologize to those who have developed Knudsen and The Rogue Shop overload, but that's what "buzz" is all about. Now I face the moment of truth--will anyone buy my book? I am a fifth-generation Mormon, so I just might crack the bestseller list with relatives alone.
Then there's the party! Good heavens, what a bash we have planned. Every carbon-based life-form whose eyes alight upon these words is invited to the open house at 500 East 8680 South in Sandy, Utah on December 13th from 6-9pm. I will be in a tuxedo to fit the theme, but you can come as you are. There will be food and prizes and Christmas cheer. Bring the kids, it is Monday evening and this is an FHE-approved activity. I will be thrilled to meet many of you that I have only met online. I don't expect you to buy a book (I'll only have 100 copies there, so I'll probably be sold out in 15 minutes anyway - yeah, my attitude is that good right now), but I would love to shake your hand and share the joy during my fifteen minutes of local fame.
My WOMBAT (Word Of Mouth, Buy And Tell) program is taking off like gangbusters. If you're not already a participant, it's not too late to earn points toward one of 10 Amazon gift cards I am giving away. I'm happy to share the things that have worked for me. After all, I wouldn't be "where I am today" without the excellent mentoring I've received from members of this group, directly or indirectly.
There you go -- the most horn-tootin', self-promotional post I've ever done. I am not ashamed. You shouldn't be, either, when your time comes. The world deserves to know about your work, your vision, and your talent. I will be right up front in your cheerleading section (though I will NOT be in a miniskirt, thank you very much). So roll out of that shell, chuck that bushel-basket off of your lit candle and let it shine, baby shine. Only two words remain:
Carpe Diem!
Sunday, December 05, 2010
The mad rush of November's NaNoWriMo is past. Now we enter a new stressful challenge: the Christmas rush. I have a few thoughts to share with you about December.
First, let's not lose what we learned in November. Those of us who set a goal for our writing and accomplished it, let's remember the value of setting challenging goals. Perhaps our writing goal for December will look a lot different than our goal for November, but we need to give ourselves a new challenge to work towards. Without goals, we accomplish little of value.
Second, let's remember the true meaning of the Christmas season. We can ask ourselves if we are giving gift to impress others, or out of genuine love. We can focus on the gifts our Savior gives us and try to follow His example. Sometimes the key to keeping the reason for the season foremost in our minds is to simplify. Try to think of ways to minimize stress and maximize enjoyment. For me that means this year I'm taking my time getting all my decorations up, I'm not sending out Christmas cards and I am going to give fewer, more thoughtful gifts. I am even thinking of using my budding writing skills to create a special letter to each of my family members. It would be an inexpensive, but hopefully memorable and meaningful gift.
What are your ideas for simplifying the Christmas season and focusing on the birth of Jesus?
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Harry's World

I read Harry Potter out of self-defense. When I started, everyone was waiting for book six to be released. Speculation about the plot was the subject of every conversation. I didn’t understand what they were talking about, because I hadn’t read the story, or seen the movies.
I read the Sorcerer’s Stone expecting to get the facts. I didn’t expect to be entertained. That genre has never been my favorite, but I kept reading because the characters were well drafted, and I wanted to know what happened next.
The Philosopher’s Stone was published in 1997 and came to the United States as the Sorcerer’s Stone in 1998. Who knew the profound affect it would have on literature and a whole generation of movie buffs.
Harry Potter has been part of our culture during the whole lifetimes of this year’s seventh graders. The author wrote great characters, expanded by some wonderful actors. I love the way Bellatrix taunts Harry with the chant “I killed Serious Black.” The actress personifies the homicidal evil that exists in the character.
Who didn’t cry when they saw Dumbledore fall from the tower, even though we all knew it was going to happen? The characters of HP will live in our memories, like the great tears shed by Hagrid as he carried Dumbledore’s body to the tomb.
I went with my family to see the seventh flick the other day. After the previous movie, The Half Blood Prince, I was convinced the producers would screw up The Deathly Hallows, too, but it wasn’t too bad. Since my wife hasn’t read the books, I found myself answering dozens of questions about the plot.
The experience made me wonder when I went from curious reader, to connoisseur of Harry’s world. My little perusal into the magical realm has turned into much more than trying to keep up with conversation.
With the size of the final book, the movie producers determined to spread it out over two movies. I wish they had done the same with some of the other books. I felt cheated when certain scenes were left out of the movies, but I read the books. My memory of the story is much richer because I read the books.
Next year, we’ll get a chance to see the final movie and the world will have to move on. Somehow, though, I don’t think it will. Harry’s world will be part of my culture forever and I tip my hat off to the author. Personally, I can’t wait to find out how the producers deal with the last chapter. I want to see Harry’s world, nineteen years later.
Good luck with your writing—see you next week.
Friday, December 03, 2010
Everyone is a Winner!
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Taking the Plunge

Yesterday, I had my first scheduled book signing. I say that because I have had pre-book signings (I know that sound weird, but it's a nice way to generate interest), and one that ended up being a book signing because I got books the day before.
But, yesterday I was at the UVU bookstore in Orem for a publisher-scheduled signing. I've anticipated this one the most because it's been on my schedule longest. I mean, before we did the final edits and sent the book to press, I knew I was doing this signing.
And it was fun.
I sold 4 books in 2 hrs, which is not fantastic. But, I did talk to a lot of people and gave them either a wrist band or a book mark with my info on it, so word is getting out. Some people even came up and asked what they had to do to get a wrist band. I restrained myself from saying, "jumping jacks." Though I may not have that control next time. :)
I also realized a few things. One, I'm not in this for the money. While it would be nice to make a ton of money with my books--I won't lie, lol--I don't write books to make money off them.
Two, I love connecting with readers. I love talking to people who share my love of books and reading, even if they don't read the genre I write.
Three, College kids are funny. And they really haven't changed much in the last 20 yrs, though I do admit they have more gadgets. I've never seen so many earbuds in one place before--except maybe a shelf at the store.
Four, I actually enjoy this! Sitting at a table for two hours, smiling, nodding and saying hi to strangers, talking to the ones who approach the table--all of it was really fun. I've been described in my life as painfully shy, introverted, and not sociable. Growing is good.
What have you learned?